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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

robert mitchum n. robert mitchum (1917-1997...
robert morley n. robert morley (1908-1992)...
robert penn warren n. robert penn warren (1905-...
robert rauschenberg n. robert rauschenberg (born...
robert redford n. robert redford (born in 1...
robert schuman n. robert schuman (1886 - 19...
robert schumann n. robert schumann (1810-185...
robert scott n. robert scott (1868-1912),...
robert southey n. robert southey (1774-1843...
robert strange mcmamara n. robert strange mcmamara, ...
robert strange mcnamara n. robert strange mcnamara, ...
roberta n. roberta, female first nam...
roberts n. roberts, family name
robertson n. robertson, family name
robespierre n. robespierre, a french pol...
robin n. robin, first name (male o...
robin cook n. robin cook (1946-2005), f...
robin williams n. robin williams (born 1952...
robinet n. tap, faucet, spigot
robinetterie n. taps; plumbing, work of a...
robinier n. honey locust, tall thorny...
robinson n. robinson, family name; cr...
robot n. robot, computerized mecha...
robot de cuisine n. food processor
robot logiciel n. spider, program that sear...
roboteux adj. scabrous, having a roug...
robotique n. robotics, technology deal...
robotisation n. robotization, automation,...
robotiser v. robotize, turn something ...
robre n. rubber
robusta n. robusta, african coffee p...
robuste adj. robust, sturdy, healthy...
robustement adv. robustly, hardily, stou...
robustesse n. stoutness, sturdiness, st...
roc n. rock, stone
rocade n. detour, roundabout way, b...
rocaille n. loose stones; stony groun...
rocailleux adj. rocky, stony, rugged
rocamadour n. rocamadour, city in franc...
rocambole n. rocambole
rocambolesque adj. fantastic, strange, inc...
roch n. roch, family name, surnam...
roche n. rock
rochefort n. rochefort, city in france
rochelle n. rochelle, seaport city in...
rocher n. boulder, large rounded ro...
rochester n. rochester, family name
rochet n. ratchet, rockn. rochet, l...
rocheux adj. rocky, stony
rock n. (music) rock, rock music
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