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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

rien de tel que conj. nothing like so, nothi...
rien du tout adv. nothing at all, nothing...
rien grand est facile nothing great is easy
rien que pain nothing but bread
rien que pour toi only for you
rien sauf conj. nothing except
rieur n. laugher, one who laughs, ...
riff n. riff, frequently repeated...
riflard n. riffler, small rounded fi...
rifle n. rifle, firearm with spira...
riga n. riga, capital city of lat...
rigatoni n. rigatoni, short hollow gr...
rigide adj. rigid, inflexible, unbe...
rigidement adv. rigidly, stiffly
rigidifier v. rigidify
rigolade n. fun, joke; caper, lark
rigolard adj. giggly, having a tenden...
rigole n. channel, ditch, gutter; r...
rigoler v. laugh, have fun, kid
rigoleur adj. giggly, having a tenden...
rigolo adj. funny, amusing, strange...
rigorisme n. rigorism
rigoriste adj. rigoristic, rigid, unbe...
rigoureusement adv. absolutely, rigorously,...
rigoureux adj. rigorous, severe; stric...
rigueur n. harshness, rigor; severit...
rigueur du temps n. severity of the weather
rigueurs n. bleakness, gloom, drearin...
rijsttafel n. rijsttafel, indonesian me...
riksdag n. riksdag, parliament of sw...
riksmal n. riksmål, one of two offic...
riley n. riley, family name; male ...
rillettes n. rillettes, appetizer made...
rima n. rima, female first name
rimailler v. rhyme
rimaillerie n. doggerel, poorly written ...
rimailleur n. poetaster, writer of low-...
rime n. rhyme, similarity of soun...
rimer v. rhyme, compose rhymes, wr...
rimeur adj. rhyming, having similar...
rimsky n. rimsky, family name
rimsky-korsakov n. rimsky-korsakov, nicolai ...
rince-bouteilles n. bottlebrush
rince-doigts n. finger bowl
rinceau n. foliated scroll
rincer v. rinse, wash with water; s...
rinceuse n. bottle washing machine, r...
ring n. ring, wrestling ring, are...
ringard adj. (derogatory) old-fashio...
ringgit n. ringgit, the basic unit o...
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