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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

衰变常数 decay constant
衰变振幅 decay amplitude
衰变方式 decay mode
衰变期 decay period
衰变毫居 millicurie-destroyed
衰变特性 decay characteristic
衰变率 rate of decay
衰变电子 decay electron
衰变类型 decay mode
衰变系数 decay coefficient
衰弱 weak
衰微 decline
衰惫 weak and tired
衰暮之年 advanced in years
衰替 decline
衰朽 feeble and decaying
衰歇 tend to end because of decli...
衰止 dying out
衰竭 collapse
衰老 grow old
衰老无用 outlive one's usefulness
衰耗 pad control
衰耗器 attenuator
衰草寒烟 the fading plants and chilly...
衰落 decline
衰败 decline
衰败没落 be on the decline
衰退 fail
衰退期 degenerating stage
衰退率 fading rate
衰退膨胀 slump flation
衰颓 weak and degenerate
衰飒 decline
patch up
衷心 heartfelt
衷心感谢 thank sb. from the bottom of...
衷心折服 admire from the heart
衷心拥护 support wholeheartedly
衷心欢迎 give a cordial welcome
衷心满意 be sincerely satisfied with....
衷心爱戴 love wholeheartedly
衷心祝愿 congratulate sb. heartily
衷情 heartfelt emotion
衷愉 Zhong Yu
衷曲 heartfelt emotion
衷肠 words right from one's heart
fringe of clothes
the one or two pieces making...
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