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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

homologie n. homology, analogy, likene...
homologique adj. homologic, similar in e...
homologue adj. homologousn. counterpar...
homologuer v. accredit, prove, probate
homolytique adj. homolytic
homomorphe adj. homomorphic, similar in...
homomorphie n. homomorphy
homomorphisme n. homomorphism
homoncule n. homunculus, small human b...
homonyme n. homonym, word that is ide...
homonymie n. homonymy
homonymique adj. homonymic, pertaining t...
homophile n. homophile
homophobe n. homophobe, one who hates ...
homophobie n. homophobia, fear of homos...
homophone n. homophone, word identical...
homophonie n. homophony, quality of hav...
homophonique adj. homophonic (about a wor...
homopolaire adj. homopolar, having a uni...
homorganique adj. homorganic, expressed b...
homosexuel adj. gay, homosexualn. gay, ...
homotope adj. homotopic
honduras n. honduras, country in cent...
honeypot n. honeypot, system or part ...
honfleur n. honfleur, city in france
hong kong n. hong kong, territory unde...
hongkong n. hong kong, territory unde...
hongrer v. geld, castrate an animal ...
hongrie n. hungary, country in centr...
hongrois adj. hungarian, of or pertai...
honiara n. honiara, capital city of ...
honing n. honing
honneur n. honor, privilege, credit
honni soit qui mal y pense #evil be to him who evil thi...
honorable adj. honorable, respectable;...
honorablement adv. honorably, with honor
honoraire adj. honorary; emeritus
honoraires n. payment for services rend...
honorer v. honor, dignify; grace; fe...
honorifique adj. honorific, giving honor
honshu n. honshu, main island of ja...
honte n. disgrace, shame
honteuseument adv. shamefully, disgraceful...
honteux adj. shameful, ashamed; disg...
hooke n. hooke, family name
hooligan n. hooligan
hoover n. hoover, herbert hoover (1...
hop interj. poof
hopkins n. hopkins, family name; ant...
hoquet n. hiccup, involuntary spasm...
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