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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

h n. h, eighth letter of the e...
ha interj. ha, hah! (expression...
habanera n. habanera, type of cuban d...
habeas corpus n. habeas corpus
habenula n. habenula, narrow structur...
habile adj. skilful, cunning, adroi...
habilement adv. skilfully, cleverly, wi...
habilitant adj. enabling, giving legal ...
habilitation n. capacitation, accommodati...
habiliter v. empower, entitle, habilit...
habillage n. dressing, lining, cleanin...
habillement n. clothing, dressing; appar...
habiller v. dress, cloth, rig out, cl...
habilleur n. dresser
habit n. costume, tail coat, garme...
habit de gala n. gala dress, festive cloth...
habit de tombeau n. grave clothes
habit pour la jambe n. galligaskins
habitable adj. habitable, fit to live
habitacle n. cockpit, enclosed space f...
habitant adj. residentn. inhabitant; ...
habitant de la campagne n. country dweller
habitant de la plaine n. plainsman
habitant de liverpool n. scouse
habitant du nord n. northerner
habitants n. people, inhabitants
habitants de la campagne n. countryside residents
habitants de la ville n. townsfolk
habitat n. habitat, settlement, hous...
habitation n. living, dwelling, residen...
habiter v. live in, inhabit, dwell; ...
habiter comme locataire v. tenant
habiter dans une porcherie v. sty, stye
habits de parade n. full dress, official atti...
habits du dimanche n. sunday best
habitude n. habit, custom, habitude; ...
habitude de ne rein se refuser n. self indulgence
habitude de se ronger les ongles n. nail biting
habitudes n. habits, habit, custom, so...
habituel adj. usual, customary, habit...
habituellement adv. habitually, usually, cu...
habituer v. habituate, get used to, a...
habsbourg n. habsburg, name of a germa...
habsburg n. habsburg, name of a germa...
hachage n. mincing, act of grinding ...
hache n. axe, sharp tool used for ...
hache de guerre n. tomahawk
hache paille n. chaff cutter
hacher v. chop, mince; axe, hash; c...
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