o n. o, 15th letter of the alp... | oas organization opposed to the ... | oasis n. oasis, place in the deser... | obadia n. obadiah, male first name ... | obbligato adj. obbligato, requirement;... | oberkovitch n. oberkovitch, family name;... | obi n. obi, sash, belt (japanese... | obituaire adj. obituary, death announc... | obj obj, obj file, object file c... | objectable adj. opposable, able to be o... | objecter v. object, oppose | objecteur n. contester, competitor; ch... | objecteur de conscience n. conscientious objector, o... | objectif adj. objective, unbiased, im... | objection n. kick, objection | objectivation n. objectivization, act of m... | objectivement adv. objectively | objectiver v. objectivise, cause to bec... | objectivisme n. objectivism | objectiviste n. objectivist | objet n. object, article; item, pu... | objet de la haine n. object of hatred | objet de luxe n. luxury item | objet de valeur n. valuable | objet direct n. direct object, word or wo... |
| objet en cuivre n. brass | objet indirect n. indirect object (grammar)... | objet indispensable n. essential | objet sexuel n. sex object | objet superflu n. white elephant, object wh... | objet-image n. sprite | objets de porcelaine n. chinaware | objets de valeur n. values, valuables | objets mobiliers n. furnishings | objets personnels n. personal belongings | objurgation n. objurgation, entreaty | oblat n. oblate, lay person who ha... | oblation n. oblation, offertory | oblig n. obligation, duty responsi... | obligataire n. obligee, receiver of a bo... | obligation n. obligation, duty; trust, ... | obligation au porteur n. bearer bond, tradable int... | obligato n. obligato, requirement; ob... | obligatoire adj. compulsory, compelling,... | obligatoirement adv. inevitably, unavoidably... | obligeamment adv. obligingly, in an oblig... | obligeance n. helpfulness, usefulness, ... | obligeant adj. kind, obliging, complai... | obliger v. oblige, force; bind, push... |