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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

veine n. (anatomy) vein, blood ves...
veine jugulaire n. jugular vein, any of seve...
veiner v. grain, vein
veineux adj. venous, grainy
veinulaire adj. venular, of venules, of...
veinule n. venule, small vein (espec...
velcro n. velcro, brand name for a ...
veld n. (geography) veld, grassy ...
velours n. velvet, soft plush fabric...
velours de coton n. moleskin
veloutement n. velvetiness
velouter v. soften, make soft; mellow...
velouteux adj. velvety, soft, silky
velpeau n. velpeau
velu adj. furry, hairy, villous
velum n. velum
velvet n. velveteen, short and thic...
venaison n. (cooking) venison, deer m...
vence n. vence, city in france
vendable adj. saleable, marketable
vendange n. grape picking, grape harv...
vendangeoir n. grape basket
vendangeon n. acarid, acarine, arachnid...
vendanger v. vintage, harvest the grap...
vendanges n. grape harvesting time
vendangeur n. grape picker, vintager, h...
venderesse n. saleswoman, female vendor...
vendetta n. vendetta, feud
vendeur n. seller, salesman, salespe...
vendeur ambulant n. street vendor
vendeur de chaussures n. shoe seller
vendeur de glaces n. icecream seller
vendeur de journaux n. news vendor, newsboy
vendeur de livres n. bookseller
vendeuse n. saleswoman, seller, shopg...
vendre v. sell, sale; market, vend,...
vendre au poids v. weight
vendre au prix fort v. sell with high price
vendre avec insistance v. tout
vendre des articles v. syndicate
vendre des pronostics v. tout
vendre en gros v. sell by wholesale
vendre moins cher que v. undercut, offer at lower ...
vendre tout son stock de v. sell out
vendre toutes ses possessions v. sell up, liquidate mercha...
vendre trop cher v. overprice
vendredi n. friday, sixth day of the ...
vendredi saint n. good friday
vendu adj. sold, given in exchange...
venelle n. alley, lane
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