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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

fugitif adj. fugitive, elusive, flee...
fugitivement adv. fleetingly
fugue n. fugue, elopement
fugueur adj. scampishn. runaway, des...
fuie n. dovecote, house for doves...
fuir v. avoid, shun, flee, escape...
fuite n. escape, get away, flight;...
fuite des capitaux n. efflux, flight of capital
fuite des cerveaux n. brain drain, immigration ...
fuite soudaine n. bolt
fulbright n. fulbright, family name; j...
fulgurant adj. lightning, meteoric
fulguration n. fulguration, flash lightn...
fulgurer v. flash, fulgurate, blaze
fuligineux adj. smoky, sooty
fuligule milouinan n. scaup, diving duck of nor...
fulmar n. fulmar
fulmicoton n. gun cotton
fulminante adj. fulminatoryn. fulminant...
fulminante de mercure n. fulminate
fulminer v. fulminate, thunder forth;...
fulminer contre qqn v. rant at someone
fumage n. smoking, curing; manuring...
fumant adj. smoky, smoldering, stea...
fumarique adj. fumaric, of fumaric aci...
fumer v. smoke, fume, steam; manur...
fumer le calumet de la paix v. make peace
fumer trop v. oversmoke
fumerolle n. fumarole, volcanic crater...
fumet n. smell, scent
fumeterre n. fumitory
fumeur n. smoker, fumy
fumeur de haschisch n. pothead
fumeur de pipe n. pipe smoker
fumeux adj. hazy, smoky
fumier n. manure
fumigateur n. fumigator, inhaler
fumigation n. fumigation, process of ex...
fumigatoire adj. fumigatory, having the ...
fumiger v. fumigate, steam, expose t...
fumiste n. chimney-sweep, person who...
fumisterie n. humbug, fraud
fumoir n. smoking room, smokehouse,...
fumure n. manure; fertilizer
fumure en surface n. top dressing
funafuti n. funafuti, capital city of...
funambule n. tightrope walker, rope da...
fundique adj. fundic, of the base of ...
funeste adj. terrible, dreadful, ban...
funestement adv. disastrously, banefully
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