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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

frontalier n. borderer, one who sits or...
fronteau n. frontlet, forehead of an ...
fronting n. façade, front of a buildi...
frontispice n. frontispiece, picture opp...
fronton n. pediment, triangular form...
frottage n. friction, abrasion, scrap...
frottement n. rubbing, friction; drag, ...
frotter v. rub, scrub, scrape; chafe...
frotter au papier de verre v. sand down
frotter une allumette strike a match, light a matc...
frotteur adj. rubbing
frottis n. smear (medicine)
frottoir n. brush, strip
frou-frou n. rustle, rustling, swish
froufrouter v. rustle
froussard adj. (slang) cowardly, chick...
frousse n. (informal) sudden fear, j...
fructification n. fructification, fruitage
fructifier v. fructify, be productive
fructose n. fructose, water-soluble s...
fructueux adj. fruitful, productive; s...
frugal adj. frugal, abstemious, sca...
frugalement adv. frugally, sparingly
frugivore adj. frugivorous, primarily ...
fruit n. fruit; harvest, product
fruit abattu par le vent n. windfall
fruit confit n. candied fruit
fruit de la passion n. passion fruit
fruit de son travail n. fruit of one's labour
fruiterie n. fruits store, fruiterer
fruitier n. orchardadj. fruit, edible...
fruits de mer n. sea food, shellfish
fruits de son labeur n. fruits of one's labor
fruits secs n. dried fruit, fruit dried ...
frusques n. (slang) bad habit, habit
fruste adj. rough, uncouth, coarse;...
frustrant adj. frustrating, aggravatin...
frustration n. frustration
frustratoire adj. frustratory
frustrer v. frustrate, thwart
frutescent adj. frutescent
fs sf, swiss frankfs (franc s...
fse community homefse (foyer s...
fsh fsh, follicle-stimulating ho...
ftp communist resistance in 1940...
ftpf french communist resistance ...
fuchsia n. fuchsia, flowering bushad...
fucoxanthine n. fucoxanthin
fuel n. fuel oil, oil which is us...
fugace adj. fleeting, fugitive, imp...
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