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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

funiculaire n. funicular, funicular rail...
funicule n. funiculus, rope-like stru...
funk n. funk, type of jazz
funky adj. funky, of or pertaining...
funu unef, united nations emergen...
furax adj. livid; sullen, wroth
furet n. ferret, small mammal whic...
fureter v. nose about, ferret about,...
fureteur adj. prying, glancingn. snoo...
fureteur multilingue n. multilingual browser (com...
fureur n. fury, fit of rage; violen...
furibond adj. hopping mad, apoplectic
furie n. fury, rage, she cat
furieusement adv. angrily, furiously, gla...
furieux adj. furious, livid; angry, ...
furlong n. furl
furoncle n. furuncle, boil; carbuncle
furtif adj. furtive, slinking, snea...
furtivement adv. stealthily, furtively, ...
fusain n. spindle-tree
fusant adj. fusing, combining by me...
fuseau n. spindle, bobbin, taper
fuseau horaire n. time zone
fuselage n. fuselage, body
fuseler v. taper, streamline
fuser v. gush, spurt
fusible adj. fusible, meltablen. fus...
fusiforme adj. fusiform, shaped like a...
fusil n. rifle, gun; shotgun; stee...
fusil automatique n. rifle, firearm with spira...
fusil de chasse n. shotgun
fusil mitrailleur n. bren gun, type of submach...
fusilier n. rifleman, fusilier
fusillade n. shooting, gun fire, fusil...
fusiller v. shoot, destroy, wreck
fusilleur n. executioner, one who puts...
fusion n. melting, fusion; amalgama...
fusionnel adj. fusional
fusionnement n. merger, fusion, incorpora...
fusionner v. merge, amalgamate, consol...
fustigation n. denounce, condemn
fustiger v. criticize, thrash, castig...
futaie n. timberland, woodland
futaille n. barrel, drum
futaine adj. fustiann. fustian, line...
futal n. trousers, pants, garment ...
futile adj. futile, vain, pointless...
futilement adv. frivolously, wastefully...
futur adj. future, prospectiven. f...
futurisme n. futurism, modern art move...
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