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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

qui se donne de grands airs adj. hoity toity
qui se fait sentir partout adj. pervasive
qui se renouvelle automatiquement adj. self renewing
qui se sacrifie adj. self sacrificing, self ...
qui se sent morveux qui se mouche if the cap fits wear it
qui se tient droit adj. upstanding
qui semble vivant adj. lifelike
qui sent le bouchon adj. corked
qui sent mauvais adj. smelly
qui serpente adj. serpentine
qui sommeille adj. dormant
qui sonne adj. sounding
qui suent adj. sweaty
qui tergiverse n. prevaricator
qui tient de adj. akin
qui tient un journal intime n. diary keeper
qui tire vers le roux adj. reddish
qui tombe n. falling
qui tremble adj. flickering
qui va avoir lieu adj. forthcoming
qui va bien adj. becoming
qui va de soi adj. self-evident
qui vaut le coup adj. worthwhile
qui vaut rien adj. good for nothing
qui vous savez you know who
qui-vive adv. on the alert, on guard,...
quiberon n. quiberon, peninsula in no...
quiche n. (cooking) quiche, baked c...
quickstep n. quickstep, type of fast b...
quiconque pron. whoever, whosoever
quidam n. fellow, guy, chap
quidi vidi n. quidi vidi, suburb of st....
quignon n. crust, hard outer coating...
quille n. skittle, pin
quilles n. ninepins, game of bowling
quilleur n. skittle player
quimper n. quimper, city in france
quinacrine n. quinacrine, medication us...
quinaire adj. quinary, fivefold, quin...
quincaille n. ironware, implements made...
quincaillerie n. hardware, ironsmith
quincaillier n. hardware dealer, ironmast...
quinconce n. straggered rows
quincunx n. quincunx
quincy n. quincy, male first name, ...
quindim n. quindim, brazilian desser...
quinidine n. quinidine, medication use...
quinine n. quinine, medication used ...
quinone n. quinone, chinone, cyclic ...
quinquennal adj. quinquennialn. five yea...
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