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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

factotum n. factotum; hanger on, hand...
factuel adj. factual, real, based on...
facturation n. billing, invoicing
facture n. bill, statement
facturer v. invoice, put on the bill
faculaire adj. facular, pertaining to ...
facultatif adj. facultative, optional, ...
fadaise n. slush; twaddle
fadasse adj. tasteless, dull
fade adj. tasteless, insipid; tam...
fadeur n. blandness, vapidity, insi...
fading n. fade
faf n. fascist, one who supports...
fagot n. bundle
fahrenheit n. fahrenheit, f, temperatur...
faible adj. weak, frail, feeble; so...
faible chance n. long odds
faible esprit n. weak willed person
faible geignement n. whimper
faible lueur n. glimmer
faiblement adv. weakly, faintly
faiblesse n. weakness, frailness; impo...
faiblir v. get weaker, weaken; fail,...
faille n. break
failli adj. failed, reducedn. bankr...
faillible adj. fallible, liable to err...
faillir v. fail to honor a commitmen...
faillite n. bankruptcy; collapse, fai...
faim n. starvation, hunger
fairbanks n. fairbanks, family name
faire v. make, build, draw up; pla...
faire accoster v. berth, move into berth
faire accoucher v. deliver
faire accumuler v. get together
faire adapter v. conform
faire administrer un legs v. trust
faire affaiblir v. decay
faire affamer v. starve
faire agacer v. itch
faire agenouiller qqn v. kneel
faire agiter v. flush; get someone's goat
faire aigrir v. embitter, make sour
faire aimer v. endear
faire alimenter v. fodder
faire aller v. run
faire alliage de v. alloy
faire allusion v. refer, reference, advert,...
faire amaigrir v. thin
faire amende honorable v. make amends
faire amener v. fetch
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