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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

rationaliste adj. rationalistic, pertaini...
rationnel adj. rational, thinkingn. ra...
rationnellement adv. rationally, logically
rationnement n. rationing, process of all...
rationner v. ration out
ratisbonne n. regensburg, city in germa...
ratissage n. raking, combing
ratisser v. comb; scour; rake, take o...
ratite n. rhea, species of large so...
raton n. young rat
raton laveur n. racoon, raccoon, coon
ratp paris transport autority/ra...
rattachement n. reattachment, clinging, r...
rattacher v. bind, tie up; connect, li...
rattrapage n. remedial classes; catchin...
rattrapage de salaire n. wage adjustment
rattrapage scolaire n. remedial teaching
rattraper v. recapture, catch again, c...
rattraper le train v. nick a train
raturage n. crossing out, scoring out
rature n. deletion, crossing out, e...
raturer v. scratch, cross out
rauque adj. hoarse, husky, throaty,...
rauquer v. growl, make a low guttura...
rauwolfia n. rauwolfia, any species of...
ravage n. ravage, devastation; swee...
ravageant adj. consuming, ravaging
ravager v. ravage, destroy, devastat...
ravageur adj. destructive, devastatin...
ravalement n. restoration, reconstructi...
ravaler v. lower; (architecture) res...
ravaler ses mots v. eat one's words
ravaleur n. restorer, one who returns...
rave n. beet (botany)
ravenne n. ravenna, city in italy
ravi adj. delight, overjoyed, ver...
ravier v. delight
ravigotant adj. (informal) warming, inv...
ravigoter v. (informal) invigorate, en...
ravin n. ravine, gulch, gully
ravine n. gully, coulee, ravine, go...
raviner v. gully
ravioli n. ravioli, small pillow-lik...
ravir v. ravish, delight, enraptur...
raviser v. change one's mind
ravissant adj. delightful, entrancing,...
ravissement n. abduction, ravishment, ra...
ravisseur n. hijacker, kidnapper, abdu...
ravitaillement n. refueling, supplying, foo...
ravitailler v. supply, refuel, provision
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