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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

rougeoiement n. flushness, glow, flush
rougeole n. measles, contagious virus...
rougeoleux adj. measly
rougeoyant adj. glowing, gleaming
rougeoyer v. turn red
rouget n. rouget, family namen. (zo...
rougeur n. blush, redness; (medicine...
rougir v. blush, go red, flush, red...
rougir de honte v. be ashamed, mantle
rougissant adj. reddening
rougissement n. reddening, blushing, flus...
rouille n. rust, rustiness, mildew, ...
rouille blanche n. white rust
rouiller v. rust, get rusty, blight
rouillure n. rustiness, quality of bei...
rouir v. prewash, wash laundry in ...
roulade n. (music) roulade, run; (co...
roulage n. haulage, charge for trans...
roulant adj. rolling, moving
rouleau n. roll, roller, platen; scr...
rouleau compresseur n. steamroller
rouleau du jardin n. roller, heavy cylindrical...
roulement n. roll, rolling, rumbling, ...
roulement de tonnerre n. peal of thunder, roll
rouler v. wheel, furl, roll; drive ...
rouler bruyamment v. trundle
rouler de gros yeux ronds v. goggle
rouler en code v. drive with droped headlig...
rouler tranquillement v. tool along
rouler vite v. breeze
roulette n. caster, small wheel (on f...
rouleur n. wheeler, something posses...
roulier n. cart driver, waggoner
roulis n. roll
roulotte n. caravan
roumain adj. romanian, pertaining to...
roumanie n. romania, republic in sout...
roupie n. rupee, unit of currency u...
roupiller v. (informal) sleep, slumber
roupillon n. (informal) snooze
rouquin adj. red haired, gingern. re...
rourke n. rourke, family name; mick...
rousse n. fuzz, police, cop (slang)
rousseau n. rousseau, family name; je...
rousserolle n. reed warbler
rousses n. rousses, city in france
roussette n. sea dog
rousseur n. redness
roussi adj. scorched
roussillon n. roussillon, city in franc...
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