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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

rumeur n. rumor, story; babble, hea...
rumeur insidieuse n. whispering, rumor
ruminant adj. ruminant, cud-chewing, ...
rumination n. rumination, act of regurg...
ruminer v. ruminate, mull over, pond...
rumpelstiltskin n. rumpelstiltskin, dwarf of...
rune n. rune, character from any ...
rungis n. rungis, city in france
runique adj. runic, written in runes...
rupin adj. (slang) posh, plushy
rupins n. (slang) riches
rupteur n. breaker, large wave, wave...
rupture n. breaking, rupture, abrupt...
rupture de contrat n. breach of contract
rupture des relations diplomatiques n. breaking of diplomatic re...
rural adj. peasant, rural
ruralisme n. ruralism, rusticalness, q...
ruse n. cunning, craftiness, tric...
ruser v. use cunning
ruses n. tricks
rush n. (sports) rush, final effo...
rushdie n. rushdie, family name; sal...
rushes n. dailies, first and unedit...
russe adj. russian, pertaining to ...
russell n. russell, male first name;...
russie n. russia, large country loc...
russification n. russification
russo- pref. russo-
rustaud n. yokel, rustic, slob, vill...
rustine n. patch
rustique adj. rustic, countrified, co...
rustiquement adv. rustically, in an unsop...
rustre adj. boor, boorishn. (deroga...
rut n. rut, annual period of sex...
rutabaga n. (botany) rutabaga, plant ...
rutenberg n. rutenberg, family name; p...
rutger hauer n. rutger hauer (born 1944),...
rutgers n. rutgers, family name; pub...
ruth n. ruth, female first name
rutherford n. rutherford, family name
rutherfordium n. rutherfordium (rf) radioa...
rutilance n. gleam, flash of light; gl...
rutilant adj. glowing, gleaming
rutiler v. gleam, glitter, glow
rv appointmentrv (rendez-vous...
rvb rgb, red green blue, primary...
rwanda n. rwanda, country in centra...
rye n. rye, whiskey distilled fr...
rythme n. rhythm, cadence; swing, b...
rythmer v. rhythm, put rhythm in
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