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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

unchain v. délivrer, libérer les chi...
unchallengeable adj. incontesté, indiscuté
unchallenged adj. incontesté
unchallenging adj. qui ne constitue pas un...
unchange v. rechanger, retransformer
unchangeability n. immuabilité, non changeme...
unchangeable adj. inchangeable, non-trans...
unchangeable infinitive une forme infinitive immuabl...
unchangeably adv. sans changement, de faç...
unchanged adj. inchangé; intact
unchanging adj. invariable, immuable
unchangingly adv. invariablement; immuabl...
unchaperoned adj. non accompagné
uncharacteristic adj. non caractéristique
uncharacteristically adv. de manière non caractér...
uncharged adj. qui n'est pas chargé (p...
uncharitable adj. peu charitable
uncharitableness n. manque de charité
uncharitably adv. peu charitable
uncharted adj. inconnu, inexploré; qui...
unchartered adj. sans loi, en désordre
unchaste adj. non chaste; libidineux
unchastely adv. de façon non chaste
unchastened adj. impur; lascif
unchasteness n. absence de chasteté; lubr...
unchastity n. manque de pureté, manque ...
unchecked adj. non-réprimé, non-examin...
uncheerful adj. sans joie
uncheerfully adv. sans joie
unchilled adj. non refroidi
unchivalrous adj. discourtois; peu galant
unchoose v. annuler une sélection, re...
unchosen adj. non choisi, non sélecti...
unchr commission de l'o.n.u. pour ...
unchristened adj. non-baptisé, non-chréti...
unchristian adj. non chrétien, qui n'est...
unchurch v. excommunier; nier les dro...
uncia n. once (ancienne monnaie ro...
uncial adj. d'onciales, de lettres ...
unciform adj. en forme de crochet
uncinal adj. semblable d'un croc, de...
uncinariasis n. uncinariase (sorte de par...
uncinate adj. en forme de crochet
uncircumcised adj. incirconcis (personne q...
uncircumcised person une personne qui n'est pas c...
uncircumstantial adj. non circonstanciel
uncivil adj. impoli
uncivilized adj. non civilisé
uncivilly adv. de manière incivile; de...
unclad adj. nu
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